God’s Got It
“God’s got it!” Slightly annoyed I answer, “how am I supposed to believe that when everything is falling apart, when nothing is going the way I, erm we, planned?!”
How many times have I almost flippantly said to people “God’s got it”? It has to be one of the most annoying sayings to hear when you are in the thick of it even if true. I say flippantly because do I really believe it when I say it? Do I really trust God? There are times when I can say a hearty “yes” just because I really have no other option, because I know I can’t make it happen. Who’s going to part this red sea? Definitely not me.
Recently as I walked through a huge bay that had receded so far from the shore that it created a quasi beach, I found myself in awe of how much God trusts us and the world, while we trust him so little. He trusts that the sea will only come this far, the sun and moon will come up at this time, we will take care of the earth, we will feed the hungry, clothe the naked, spend time with him, that we will love him the way his heart groans for. He could just snap everything to exactly how he wants it, yet waits for our invitation!
At the root of it all, I think it’s hardest to trust he loves a broken human like me. And you? Maybe it’s just me 😜. Yet, he does. And so, I wonder what does radical trust look like? What does it look like to have a mutual relationship of trust with the Lord? I really don’t know, but I’d say we can start with little steps. “Jesus can you just show up right now?” “Jesus I trust you’ll show me the way, I’m open.” "Lord, if you're really there, let Chick-fil-a still be open!" 🙏 In my life, I can say he has never ignored my honest prayers.
Be encouraged, close your eyes, even with one eye half open, say “Jesus I trust you!” and take the leap into his arms, I promise you won’t regret it!
Let's pray we can all enter the radical love we are called to!
Alright, back to my Netflix queue, I mean making sure the moon goes up tonight 🙂.
Enrique Gabriel
P.S. The photo below is from the aforementioned walk.